Letters to the Editor

Stand up against xenophobia

We Jews have been victimized by persecution and hateful rhetoric throughout our history. We, of all people, need to stand up against the McCarthy-like attacks of Michelle Bachmann and her hate-filled cohorts against Muslim Americans. The hatemongers’ primary target has been Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin. During her… Read more »

Stand up against xenophobia

We Jews have been victimized by persecution and hateful rhetoric throughout our history. We of all people need to stand up against the McCarthy-like attacks of Michelle Bachmann and her hate-filled cohorts against Muslim Americans. The hatemongers’ primary target has been Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin. During her… Read more »

Praise for creators of Yom HaShoah musical event

This year’s Yom HaShoah commemoration was, as were all of our past commemorations, moving and heartbreaking. This year’s, however, was utterly remarkable and several people are to be commended for their role in creating our remembrance. First, thank you to Melissa Hamilton, a caring, soft-spoken violist with the Tucson… Read more »

Judaism without God piece affirming for Humanist

It is remarkable how much press secular humanist Judaism is getting these days! I was delighted to read the article in the last AJP about Judaism without God (“Can religion, especially Judaism, work if you don’t believe in God?” AJP 4/20/12). A few years ago I was one of… Read more »

Gay or straight, LGBT Seder is great experience

I was very fortunate this year to attend the LGBT Seder put on by the Jewish Inclusion Project and held at Congregation Or Chadash. I am straight, and I initially attended mainly because of a (lesbian) friend who is new to… Read more »

Health care for all admirable goal, but who pays?

Re: “The health care debate: envisioning a future that avoids ‘moral hazards’” (AJP 4/6/12), Nancy Kaufman’s goals are admirable — health care for all, especially those in our society that are the most needy. One key omission, how to pay for the huge cost of “Obamacare”? Jews have been… Read more »

Toulouse response heartening

Re: “Toulouse attack leaves French Jews shaken” (AJP 3/23/12). There’s an old French proverb, “Autres temps, autres moeurs.” English equivalent: “times change.” I thought of that saying after hearing about the world’s response to the recent murders of three Jewish children and a teacher at the Ozar Hatorah school… Read more »

Relative seeking kidney reaches out via Facebook

I am a Holocaust survivor and an active member of the community. My brother-in-law David Goldman is in dire need of a kidney donor as the kidney that my wife (his sister) donated to him 25 years ago is no longer working. He has been on dialysis for over… Read more »

Press neglect of Chomsky talks perplexing

I have been watching for reactions from the Arizona Jewish Post about Noam Chomsky’s well-attended appearances at the University of Arizona. I attended both of his lectures and was impressed with the large crowds … completely filled halls for his lectures on language and education. Dr. Chomsky was introduced… Read more »

‘Sinister’ statements treasonous

Regarding Uriel Heilman’s article “Extreme column raises question: Why do some Jews see Obama as sinister?” in the Jan. 27 issue of the Arizona Jewish Post: That headline caught my attention but did not answer the question as to why they said what they said! I was shocked to… Read more »

Heilman story fans vicious flames

I hope I’m not the only reader who was offended by the article by Uriel Heilman. While reporting on a wholly deplorable piece that appeared in the Atlanta Jewish Times, Heilman appears to give credence to the canard that President Obama is a secret Muslim bent on destroying Israel.… Read more »

Publishing Heilman story shameful

Dr. Varady is certainly not the only one outraged by the article attempting to justify the accusations and scurrilous remarks about our President. You should be ashamed of publishing an article which is on the level of the Elders of Zion. President Obama in my opinion has been extremely… Read more »

Israeli seeks I.D. for Tucson kin

                                                                                                  I live in Jerusalem. During a search for family roots, I found pictures of several unknown relatives. On the back is of one printed, “Gabusi Studio, W.… Read more »

Bone marrow registration essential

Regarding the Jan. 13 article, “Tucsonan donates stem cells twice, enlists fellow Jews in Gift of Life Program,” I am writing to express my admiration for Bryan Jaret-Schacter for his selfless stem cell donations to the Gift of Life Foundation. His message to the community is so very important.… Read more »

Petition to help Alan Gross

I am hoping you have heard about the plight of my friend Alan Gross. Alan is from the Washington, D.C. area and his situation has received a lot of coverage in the news. Alan went to Cuba to bring laptop computers and cell phones to the Jewish community on… Read more »

‘Deadly Medicine’ Nazi exhibit coming to UA

Regarding the article “New York exhibit on ‘Deadly Medicine’ plumbs Nazi ‘science’ of master race” (AJP, 11/11/11), your readers may be interested to learn that the exhibit will be in Tucson Jan. 18-March 31, 2013. The Arizona Health Sciences Library at the University of Arizona will host “Deadly Medicine”… Read more »

Kristallnacht program at JCC great success

I would like to commend Bob Cohen, director of the Tucson Jewish Community Library; the Coalition for Jewish Education; and all the people involved in presenting the touching and well-organized “The Night of the Broken Glass” with Kristallnacht survivors speaking at the Tucson Jewish Community Center on Nov. 10.… Read more »

Muslim Turkish group inspiring

Last month I had the privilege of being invited to a Ramadan “break fast” at the Tucson chapter of the Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue, a moderate Muslim Turkish organization. Ramadan is the Muslim month of fasting between sunrise and sunset, during which Muslims focus on introspection and study. FID’s… Read more »

Quintessential Israel mesmerizes

In Netanya, Israel on Aug. 18 in an events hall, I felt I was living a quintessential Israeli moment. Friends and family were celebrating a Bar Mitzvah with food, music, dance and high spirits. Not exclusively Israeli, one might say. However, the Bar Mitzvah’s uncle, in between bites, kept… Read more »