Tagged UA Holocaust Vigil

Art created at UA Hillel Holocaust vigil will be reminder for public schools

Attendees at the University of Arizona Hillel Foundation Holocaust vigil decorated frames bearing lines from a poem by Pavel Friedman, who died in Auschwitz. (Sara Harelson)

Flags and museum pods lined a section of the University of Arizona Mall this week, as volunteers took turns reading the names of lives lost in the Holocaust. The University of Arizona Hillel Foundation hosts a 24-hour Holocaust vigil every year in memory of the six million Jews whose… Read more »

Survivors to share stories at UA Hillel Holocaust vigil

Students at the University of Arizona Hillel Foundation will hold the 25th annual Holocaust vigil from 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 30 to 10 a.m. Thursday, March 31 on the UA Mall. Dedicated to remembrance, the vigil includes the reading of Holocaust victims’ names throughout the 24 hours. Holocaust survivors… Read more »