Tagged Secular Humanism

SHJC talk to explore Mussar approach to ethics

Nan Rubin

The Secular Humanist Jewish Circle will sponsor a lecture by Nan Rubin on “Mussar, an Ethical Approach to Daily Life” on Saturday, Nov. 19, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at the Dusenberry-River Library, 5605 East River Road (Craycroft and River). Rubin, a licensed clinical social worker, has been engaged… Read more »

Rabbi to lead Secular Humanist holiday event

The Secular Humanist Jewish Circle will hold an observance of Rosh Ha­sha­nah and Yom Kippur on Saturday, Oct. 1 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson, 4831 E. 22nd St. Rabbi Jack Silver, newly ordained secular humanist rabbi who is a member of Congregation Or Adam in Phoenix, will… Read more »

Tucson group welcomes atheists

This letter comes in response to the article in the May 20 issue, “A growing number of Jewish atheists look for their place in Jewish life.” There is already a group in Southern Arizona, based in Tucson, that offers a place for committed Jewish atheists as well as those… Read more »

Group forms Secular Humanist Circle

A Secular Humanist Jewish Circle has formed in Tucson. The group will hold its first event, an observance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, on Saturday, Sept. 11. Secular Humanist Judaism “places emphasis on human beings having the innate ability to make moral and ethical decisions based on evidence… Read more »