Tagged Polish Holocaust Law

Who killed a Polish Holocaust hero? His family may be close to finding out.

Lea Hirsch, left, in eastern Poland meets a man who knew her uncle before he was murdered in 1944, June 2017. (Courtesy of Lea Hirsch)

  (JTA) — Josef Kopf survived Sobibor by killing a guard and staging the first successful escape from that death camp in Poland, where the Nazis murdered 250,000 Jews. But Kopf, whose unlikely escape in 1943 preceded by several months a full-scale uprising at Sobibor, did not live to see Nazi… Read more »

Poland’s Holocaust law upends one activist’s decade of progress in interfaith relations

Bogdan Bialek, right, and Michal Jaskulski during a 2016 discussion in Warsaw about the film made about Bialek's interfaith efforts in Poland. (Courtesy of the makers of Bogdan's Journey)

(JTA) — The Catholic journalist Bogdan Bialek is used to being called a traitor in Poland for his commemorations of Jewish victims of a 1946 pogrom in his city of Kielce. For over a decade he has promoted awareness of and atonement for the murders, violating taboos that regard… Read more »

Debate over Polish Holocaust law prompts an anti-Semitic media backlash

TVP, the state-owned television station in Poland, apologized to an Israeli ambassador for a tweet accusing Israel of ulterior motives in objecting to a new law regulating how Poles may discuss the Holocaust. (Flickr Commons/Piotr Drabik)

WARSAW, Poland (JTA) — Debate over a Polish law that proposes to outlaw rhetoric blaming Poland for Nazi crimes has prompted a wave of anti-Semitic comments in the Polish media. RMF, one of the largest Polish commercial radio stations, suspended a journalist who wrote about the “war with the Jews.”… Read more »