Tagged Noah’s Ark

Rabbi’s Corner: It is up to us to repair the earth

Rabbi Helen T. Cohn

I’ve been thinking about rain lately, and noticing the lack of it.  Tucson had a big monsoon several months ago which revealed a slight leak in our roof. We think the leak was fixed, and I’ve been waiting ever since for another big rain to confirm that, but a… Read more »

This Dutch Christian boatmaker wants to sail his life-size replica of Noah’s Ark to Israel

Johan Huibers and his Noah's Ark in Dorderecht, the Netherlands, October 2013. (Courtesy of Arv van Noach)

KRIMPEN AAN DE IJSSEL, Netherlands (JTA) — For two years, the world’s only seaworthy life-size replica of Noah’s Ark has been wowing passengers traveling along Holland’s Maas River. Built according to the specifications detailed in the Hebrew Bible, the 390-foot-long vessel towers to a height of 75 feet. It… Read more »