We Jews of all people know how horrific it is to be singled out for harassment and worse because of our ethnicity. That’s why every Jew, whether Republican, Democrat or Independent, must stand up against SB 1070, the anti-Latino bill that will lead to racial profiling and racist attacks.… Read more »
Tagged Letter
Cohon right on public education
I was happy to read Rabbi Cohon’s “Support for Arizona public education a must” in the April 9, 2010 Arizona Jewish Post. Rabbi’s historical perspective on Jews inventing public education provides an interesting perspective on the “inherently Jewish” value of education. I couldn’t agree more. All students deserve the… Read more »
Thank CUFI for loving us, Israel
I had never heard of Christians United for Israel until a new Christian friend, with a deep love of and connection to Israel, told me about it. She said a CUFI event would be held in Tucson and enthusiastically advised that Dennis Prager, a true friend of Jews, Christians… Read more »