Tagged Israel Scouts

In Focus 8.11.17

Israeli scouts entertain More than 200 people enjoyed a performance by the Israel Scouts, part of the annual Tzofim Friendship Caravan U.S. tour, at the Tucson Jewish Community Center on Thursday, June 29. The scouts dance and sing songs in Hebrew and English. Founded in 1973, the first Caravan… Read more »

In focus 7.8.16

Israel Scouts Friendship Caravan The Tzofim (Israel Scouts) visited Tucson for several days last month. Along with their annual concert at the Tucson Jewish Community Center on June 20, the scouts also gave performances for Camp J and Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging and spent time with local… Read more »

Israel Scouts Friendship Caravan to give free concert at JCC

The Tzofim (Israel Scouts) Friendship Caravan national tour will stop in Tucson with a free concert of song and dance on Thursday, June 30, at 6 p.m. at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. The Weintraub Israel Center is seeking host families to house the Israeli teens for one night.… Read more »