Tagged Heilman

‘Sinister’ statements treasonous

Regarding Uriel Heilman’s article “Extreme column raises question: Why do some Jews see Obama as sinister?” in the Jan. 27 issue of the Arizona Jewish Post: That headline caught my attention but did not answer the question as to why they said what they said! I was shocked to… Read more »

Heilman story fans vicious flames

I hope I’m not the only reader who was offended by the article by Uriel Heilman. While reporting on a wholly deplorable piece that appeared in the Atlanta Jewish Times, Heilman appears to give credence to the canard that President Obama is a secret Muslim bent on destroying Israel.… Read more »

Publishing Heilman story shameful

Dr. Varady is certainly not the only one outraged by the article attempting to justify the accusations and scurrilous remarks about our President. You should be ashamed of publishing an article which is on the level of the Elders of Zion. President Obama in my opinion has been extremely… Read more »