Tagged Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation

At Chaverim, Gift of Life swabs on Yom Kippur

Congregation Chaverim will partner with the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation and the Union for Reform Judaism to hold a bone marrow registration drive at Yom Kippur services. “This new year, 5775, our congregation will be performing pekuach nefesh, saving a life,” says Rabbi Stephanie Aaron. “With the… Read more »

Hillel to seek bone marrow, stem cell donors

The University of Arizona Hillel Foundation will host a registration drive for potential bone marrow or stem cell donors on Wednesday, April 17, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., on the UA Mall. The drive is being held on behalf of the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation, a nonprofit… Read more »

Bone marrow registration essential

Regarding the Jan. 13 article, “Tucsonan donates stem cells twice, enlists fellow Jews in Gift of Life Program,” I am writing to express my admiration for Bryan Jaret-Schacter for his selfless stem cell donations to the Gift of Life Foundation. His message to the community is so very important.… Read more »

Tucsonan donates stem cells twice, enlists fellow Jews in Gift of Life program

Tucsonan Bryan Jaret-Schachter relaxes during his second donation of stem cells for a recipient identified by the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation. Blood from his right arm is fed through a machine to separate out the blood-forming cells, then returned to him via his left arm.

 “Whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.” — Babylonian Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 37a Bryan Jaret-Schachter, a 27-year-old financial analyst in Tucson, picked up the phone at work early one morning in September 2010 and was stunned by what he heard. The caller,… Read more »

JFSA Super Sunday to include Mitzvah Day

Meryl Press represented the University of Arizona Hillel Foundation at Super Sunday in 2011.

Make a few phone calls in the annual Jewish Federation phone-a-thon to support the 2012 Community Campaign. Donate blood. Swab your cheek for the Gift of Life bone marrow registry. Make a card for a military service member. These are a few of the ways volunteers will help change… Read more »