Make a few phone calls in the annual Jewish Federation phone-a-thon to support the 2012 Community Campaign. Donate blood. Swab your cheek for the Gift of Life bone marrow registry. Make a card for a military service member. These are a few of the ways volunteers will help change the world at the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s Super Sunday event on Jan. 29 at the Tucson Jewish Community Center, 3800 E. River Road.
This year’s Super Sunday will include an expanded day of service while volunteers call nearly 3,000 members of the community to solicit contributions to support humanitarian, social and educational programs in Southern Arizona, Israel and around the world. Dollars raised on Super Sunday benefit the Federation’s five local beneficiary agencies — Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging, University of Arizona Hillel Foundation, JCC, Jewish Family & Children’s Services and Tucson Hebrew Academy — as well as Jews in need in Israel and worldwide.
Last year, due to the overwhelming needs of the Tucson Jewish community, the Federation asked donors to support local Jewish families in need through its LEAF (Local Emergency Assistance Fund) program and the response was tremendous. The Federation funded emergency grants to 1,000 Jewish individuals — almost 5 percent of the local Jewish population. “Our focus, again, is on our Jewish family in Tucson while we support our beneficiary agencies and the critical needs of Jews in Israel and around the world,” says Super Sunday Co-Chair Marcia Abelson, who is co-chairing with Steve Rodgveller.
This year, the campaign leadership and Federation board dedicated the 2012 Campaign in memory of Evie Pozez. “Evie was a role model, through her philanthropy and her devoted caring,’ says JFSA Board Chair Jeff Katz.
Super Sunday begins at 8:30 a.m. and continues until 9 p.m., with a break between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Thanks to sponsors Choice Greens, Larry Gellman, RW Baird and Benjamin Supply, and other generous vendors, volunteers will enjoy refreshments and prizes.
Various telephone and clerical volunteer shifts are available. Sign up at jewishtucson.org/supersunday or contact Jennifer Buchanan at 577-9393 or campaign@ jfsa.org.
Mitzvah Day activities on Super Sunday at the JCC
• American Red Cross Blood Drive, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in the JCC Heritage Room. Prospective blood donors, contact Jane Scott at 577-9393 or jscott@jfsa.org.
• Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation donor recruitment, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Federation volunteers will register potential donors who are between the ages of 18 and 60 and in general good health. A simple swab from the inside of the cheek is all it takes. For more information, contact Jane Scott at 577-9393 or jscott@ jfsa.org.
• The PJ Library Story Time, 3:30 p.m. -5 p.m. in the JCC Library for a reading of “Bagels from Benny.”
• Send a Letter to the Troops: Stop by the Outreach table throughout the day to design a card for a military service member.