Tagged Elaine Lisberg

Tucson BNC honors Lisberg

The Tucson Brandeis National Committee mourns the loss of a special friend and mentor, Elaine Lisberg, who passed away April 29. Elaine had a long-lasting love of Brandeis University and was a good friend of its founding president, Abram Sacher. She was a national president of Brandeis National Women’s… Read more »

Elaine Lisberg

Elaine R. Lisberg, 88, died April 29, 2018. Mrs. Lisberg was born in Decatur, Illinois, to Emanual and Hannah Rosenberg. In 1993, she moved from the Chicago suburbs to Tucson, where she continued her strong volunteer work both on a local and national level. Mrs. Lisberg was preceded in… Read more »

Volunteer to professional and back: Jewish causes engage Tucsonan

Elaine Lisberg

Elaine Lisberg doesn’t like to live in the past or dwell over what she’s accomplished. “To me, life’s all about moving forward.” A lifelong devotee of Jewish causes and educational nonprofits, Lisberg has transitioned from active volunteer to trained professional, then to professional volunteer and now officially considers herself… Read more »

On 18th anniversary, Anne Frank-inspired Message of Hope Fund endowed

Essie Nadler and Stu Mellan, president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, sign an endowment agreement for the Message of Hope Fund at the home of Ruthann Pozez.

“We will never forget.” These words have become a staple for Jewish people around the globe. On the surface, they remind us of the millions of innocent lives lost in a world of blind hatred, blatant egotism and unimaginable fear, in the hope that such horrendous acts never happen… Read more »