Letters to the Editor

Tucson BNC honors Lisberg

The Tucson Brandeis National Committee mourns the loss of a special friend and mentor, Elaine Lisberg, who passed away April 29. Elaine had a long-lasting love of Brandeis University and was a good friend of its founding president, Abram Sacher. She was a national president of Brandeis National Women’s Committee, now the Brandeis National Committee, and a past president of the Tucson Chapter.

Elaine’s presence and guidance carried the Tucson Chapter forward. With her leadership, the Tucson Chapter flourished, bringing outstanding Book & Author events to the Tucson community. She paved the way to bring Brandeis professors to Tucson to speak. Elaine believed that Brandeis and “books” went together. She helped to promote a thriving online international book business. Her belief in life-long learning was an inspiration for the formation of dozens of study groups for community participation. Through her leadership and motivation, Tucson Chapter members not only support Tucson with community service, they donate to the libraries on campus at Brandeis University, fund scholarships, and support medical research in neurodegenerative diseases.

It was Elaine’s idea to launch an endowed scholarship for an eligible student from the greater Tucson area to attend Brandeis. To honor her memory, the Tucson Chapter’s scholarship has been renamed the Elaine Lisberg Tucson BNC Endowed Scholarship. In addition to donations going to this local scholarship fund, Brandeis plans to place her name on a wall of the university. Scholarship donations in her memory can be made by sending an email message to  BNCTucsonbooks@yahoo.com.

— Marcia Rosenblum, president,
BNC Tucson Chapter