Tagged Anna Greenberg

THA tidbits: ‘Annatude’ part of new tikkun middot character program

Anna Greenberg

Tucson Hebrew Academy has been selected to participate in the Institute for Jewish Spirituality’s Tikkun Middot Project, an initiative to integrate mindfulness practice and character development in 28 Jewish communities across America. Loosely translated, tikkun middot means the cultivation or refinement of ethical traits or measures of character. The… Read more »

Memory of THA alumna to be honored at Tikkun Olam dinner

Anna Greenberg

Tucson Hebrew Academy will celebrate its 40th anniversary at the Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) dinner on Sunday, Oct. 27 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. The annual event will honor the memory of Anna Greenberg with the 2013 Tikkun Olam Award. Greenberg, a… Read more »

Anna Greenberg, ‘valiant warrior,’ loses battle with cancer

Anna Greenberg at her brother Isaac's wedding in February 2012.

Anna Cela Greenberg, 28, lost her courageous battle with cancer on Tuesday, May 28, 2013. She died as she had lived – surrounded by the love and support of her family and innumerable friends. In the last few days before her death, friends who visited her at Carondelet St.… Read more »

Trees to be healing prayers for sister

Trees have been known to break their way through the toughest rock slabs to get to the water and nutrients they need to live the life they were destined to live. So it is with my sister, Anna Greenberg, and her Healing Groves. The Greenberg family, in cooperation with… Read more »

Healing service gives Anna Greenberg and family support in cancer fight

Anna Greenberg lights the Chanukah candles at the service of healing in her honor Dec. 5. (L-R) Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon, Wendy Weise Cohon, Anna, Bruce Greenberg, Burney Starks (behind Bruce), Aaron Greenberg, Alayne Greenberg, Joree Sowards, Tzadik Rosenberg-Greenberg (MartyJohnston/TJCC)

“Anna-tude” – it’s a new word in the Tucson lexicon to describe the shining spirit of Anna Greenberg, 27, who has been fighting cancer with enormous courage and a wry sense of humor for more than a year. Anna was diagnosed with cancer in October 2011 after her dramatic… Read more »

JFSA women dedicate event to friend’s fight against cancer

Anna Greenberg at Sabino Canyon in a “Run with Anna” t-shirt. One of her brothers, Aaron, created “Run with Anna” events as a way to promote regular physical activity. See facbeook.com/RUNwithANNA.

Get healthy — it could save your life. That may sound incredibly obvious, but in the case of Tucson native Anna Greenberg, it’s the start of a remarkable story. Greenberg, 26, was told two years ago that her weight was jeopardizing her health. Her doctor, also a family friend,… Read more »