Letters to the Editor

Philly High School Plans reunion

Philadelphia’s Olney High School will hold its 60th anniversary reunion on Sunday, June 5, 2001 at Bala Country Club. For information, call 215-663-1743. —Irv Segal… Read more »

J-Street article missing context

I suppose there may be ways to harmonize Larry Gellman’s two statements at the conclusion of Sheila Wilensky’s March 24 article reporting on Hadar Susskind’s recent visit to Tucson (“On visit to Tucson, J Street policy director explains group’s mission”). Mr. Gellman “find Jewish Voice for Peace despicable” while… Read more »

BDS a non-violent tactic for peace

I was very pleased to see the article on J Street Policy Director Hadar Susskind’s visit to the Tucson Jewish Community Center. Acknowledgment of different voices within the Jewish community in regards to our relationship with Israel and Israel’s current policies is a breath of fresh air. Moreover, the… Read more »

We must “Stand as One” to solve America’s problems

I am extremely saddened, as well as appalled at the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, a member of the Jewish community, as well as an elected Democratic representative. My heart goes out to the families of the shooting victims. My prayers go out to those who lost loved ones,… Read more »

Prayers for Tucson at the Western Wall

When I made Aliyah (immigrated to Israel) six and a half years ago from Tucson, the streets here in Israel were full of violence. I witnessed a bus bombing less than 50 meters from the bus I was sitting on. As I sit at my desk in Jerusalem today… Read more »

Low turnout for Israel Taverna disappointing

On Sunday night I attended, with much anticipation, the “Israel Taverna,” an evening offered annually by Tucson’s Israel Center. To my dismay, only a small handful were there to take part in what, in all the preceding years, had been joyful, exciting and fully attended musical evenings. I cannot… Read more »

More philanthropists honored

We are happy to report an addition to the list of Jewish community members who received honors at the Nov. 9 National Philanthropy Day luncheon at The Westin La Paloma Resort. Mike Steinberg and Alan Taylor received a “Spirit of Philanthropy” award from the Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network. Mazel… Read more »

Gelbart wrong on Finkelstein

I read Guy Gelbart’s “Shaliach’s View” column (“Local talks contrast false, real views of Israel,” AJP 10/29/10) with some interest, and then with increasing dismay. Guy will not be surprised to know that I disagree with a number of his statements, as we have already had this argument. His… Read more »

Ash attack on Giffords full of lies

To our community: As Jews, we embrace politics because our parents and our grandparents taught us about the tragedies that can occur if we stay silent. Some of us are liberal. Some of us are conservative. Many of us are moderate. As Americans, we respect one another’s right to… Read more »

Vote for Giffords ratifies status quo

Despite our disagreement, I sincerely respect each of the individuals who replied to my letter. Our common ground is a shared love for Israel and patriotic zeal for the American institutions that guarantee our rights and liberties. Together, we live in a vibrant community that encourages thoughtful political discourse.… Read more »

Kelly aide should rethink protest

When I read allegations of anti-Semitism being hurled at Jesse Kelly in Politico, I thought to myself, “politics as usual.” It’s a stretch to call Mr. Kelly an anti-Semite simply because he had accepted an endorsement from a notorious anti-immigrant group, ALIPAC. I believe he’s innocent of anti-Semitism. What… Read more »

Kampeas wrong on GOP, Israel

I take exception to Ron Kampeas’ article, “Jewish officials flex persuading muscles ahead of possible GOP victories” (AJP 10/15/10). His demonizing Tea Party candidates and “GOP hard-liners” for possible aid cuts to Israel has it all wrong. His left-wing Liberal bias is showing. He and the rest of us… Read more »

Obama choice for those with heart

I want to send a resounding endorsement for the Democrats in this 2010 election. Independents and anyone who has a heart should vote the Democratic ticket. It is imperative to stay focused and have a long and short term memory. We were so upset with Bush but he is… Read more »

Camp Massad sings tribute to Gilad Shalit

Hi. I think some of your readers would be interested in the Camp Massad tribute to Gilad Shalit. It is on youtube now. The URL is Todah Rabah. Marshall Carroll, Camp Massad of Manitoba Board of Directors www.campmassad.ca… Read more »

Book sheds light on Hungarian Jewish history

Regarding “Emotional journey for Tucsonans on mission to Hungary, Israel” (AJP 10/1/10): For a comprehensive review of Jewish life in pre-World War 11 Hungary and the incredibly important role played by Jews who escaped from that country and made huge contributions to the worlds of science, art and literature… Read more »

Lerner opinion disregards Israeli wrongdoing

I read the opinion of Rabbi Pesach Lerner in the September 3 issue of the AJP with incredulity. When I started reading this article, I was encouraged by the implication that reflection and self-examination are necessary to the work for peace in the Middle East. But for me, the… Read more »

L’chaim to the JCC’s Marty Johnston and his bride

I was delighted to see the wedding announcement of Marty Johnston and Sarah Ann Pruitt (AJP 8/6/10). Marty is indeed a righteous gentile and has enriched our community mightily in his 10 years at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. May he and Sarah have a long and happy life… Read more »

Lebanon points to flaw in one-state solution idea

The argument for a one-state solution where the West Bank, excluding Gaza, becomes part of Israel is no solution at all. In his opinion article in the AJP, Aug. 6, 2010 (“Is a one-state solution, without Gaza, an answer to Greater Israel dreams?”), Leslie Susser correctly notes the combined… Read more »