
Author to discuss power of gratitude in free JFSA talk

Janice Kaplan

What began as an ambitious idea — to spend a full year living gratefully — became a life-changing experience for author Janice Kaplan. Her inspirational memoir, “The Gratitude Diaries: How a Year Looking on the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life” (Dutton, 2015) was a New York Times bestseller.… Read more »

Amplifying Voices series continues with Tamar Manasseh in discussion with Tucson J’s Todd Rockoff

Taman Manasseh, a rabbinical student, will be featured in the Amplifying Voices series on Nov. 8. (Photo courtesy Tucson Jewish Community Center)

The Amplifying Voices series, an in-depth opportunity to explore the intersectional relationship between the Black and Jewish communities, will continue with Tamar Manasseh, an African American rabbinical student who is leading the fight against senseless killings on the south side of Chicago. Manasseh will be in discussion with Todd… Read more »

Tucson International Jewish Film Festival launching 30th year with three pre-festival screenings

A scene from 'Doing Jewish: A story from Ghana' (Photo courtesy Tucson Jewish Community Center)

The Tucson International Jewish Film Festival is presenting three pre-festival screenings in advance of its January lineup for the 30th annual festival. The festival is using the Eventive platform to screen films that viewers can watch on a computer, mobile device, or smart TV, and Zoom for post-film programs.… Read more »

AJP wins two Arizona Newspapers Association Awards

ana-awards-2020The Arizona Jewish Post’s “Voices of hope: The ongoing legacy of the Holocaust” won a first place Arizona Newspapers Association Award for Best Sustained Coverage or Series.

The Arizona Jewish Post won two awards in the Arizona Newspapers Association’s 2020 competition. This year’s ANA awards were announced via Facebook Live on Oct. 15. The AJP received a first place award in the Best Sustained Coverage or Series category for “Voices of Hope: The ongoing legacy of… Read more »

Jewish History Museum virtual benefit to honor Rabbi Stephanie Aaron

Rabbi-AaronRabbi Stephanie Aaron speaks June 6, 2017 at the Jewish History Museum in Tucson. [Photo: Steven Michael Braun)

“Be Strong and of Good Courage” (Deuteronomy 31:7) is the title for the Jewish History Museum’s 10th annual fall benefit, which will be held virtually on Sunday, Nov. 1. This year’s benefit honors Rabbi Stephanie Aaron of Congregation Chaverim. “I think of Rabbi Aaron as my primary partner in… Read more »

UA Hillel students active in MitzVote, a national, nonpartisan get-out-the-vote effort

ua-hillel-oct2020During the University of Arizona Hillel Foundation’s Shabbat meal pick-up on Oct. 9, student MitzVote ambassadors, from left, Rachel Kaplan, Lauren Bander, and Sarah Schneider, hand out MitzVote swag to encourage voter registration and early voting in the U.S. elections. (Photo: Abbii Cook/University of Arizona Hillel Foundation)

Three University of Arizona students are volunteering with Hillel International’s nonpartisan MitzVote program, which encourages and enables college and university students to vote in the national elections. Rachel Kaplan, Lauren Bander, and Sarah Schneider are working with UA Hillel Assistant Director Abbii Cook on the project. All three of… Read more »

JFSA still making a difference for Homer Davis Elementary

Warmth from afar: a volunteer from California crocheted hats and ear warmers to keep kindergarteners at Homer Davis Elementary School in Tucson cozy this winter. (Photo: Shari Shapiro-Runnells)

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, schools in the Flowing Wells School District are currently using remote learning instead of in-person classes. But the situation hasn’t stopped the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s support for Homer Davis Elementary School. Michelle Shapiro, graphic artist at the Arizona Jewish Post, recently connected… Read more »

Strategic planning moving forward for Southern Arizona Jewish community

stretigic-planning-oct2020The Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona strategic planning process has included interviews, surveys, and Zoom meetings with members of the local community to identify core values. One such value is ‘mobilizing loving-kindness,’ and one way to put this value into action is by caring for priority populations, such as seniors, says JFSA/JCF CEO Graham Hoffman. (AJP file photo)

Despite the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona have been moving ahead with the strategic planning process known as “2020 and Beyond: Reimagining Jewish Life in Southern Arizona” and will soon share a road map outlining the path ahead.… Read more »

Tucson J plans physically distant Sculpture Garden opening

j-sculpture-garden_Cutline: New and established works will be on display at the Tucson Jewish Community Center’s Sculpture Garden opening on Oct. 25. (Photo: Jacob Kaufman)

The Tucson Jewish Community Center will hold a physically distanced opening for its Sculpture Garden on Sunday, Oct. 25, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The Sculpture Garden, created in 2009, includes new and established artists and is a cornerstone of the J’s arts programming. The opening will feature nine new… Read more »

Volunteers make a difference for local Jewish agencies

Suzanne Baron HelmingSuzanne Baron Helming

Jewish community agencies honored volunteers with special recognition awards as part of the Community Awards Celebration & Annual Meeting 2020 that the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona hosted last month on Zoom. Here, the agencies offer a closer look at these dedicated lay leaders. University of Arizona Hillel Foundation… Read more »

Amplifying Voices series to examine junction of Black and Jewish identity, community

(L-R) Professors Marc Dollinger, Jerome Dotson, and Gil Ribak will kick off the Amplifying Voices series with a Zoom discussion of Dollinger’s book, “Black Power, Jewish Politics” on Oct. 18.

This month, the Tucson Jewish Community Center will launch Amplifying Voices, a six-part virtual series designed to help explore the intersectional relationship between Black and Jewish identity and community. The series will begin Oct. 18 at 4 p.m. with Professors Marc Dollinger of San Francisco State University and Jerome… Read more »

UArizona Poetry Center, with support of Hurand Connection Fund, to launch virtual Institute for Inquiry and Poetics with U.S. poet laureate

Joyce HarjoU.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo (Shawn Miller)

The University of Arizona Poetry Center, part of the College of Humanities, is launching a new, virtual Institute for Inquiry and Poetics. The inaugural convening, offered in partnership with the Hurand Connection Fund, will feature U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo and poets Jennifer Foerster and LeAnne Howe, editors of… Read more »

Understanding and protecting your home or business from Covid-19

bio-one-1024pxDeborah Lytle, executive director of Congregation Anshei Israel, and David Scott, co-owner of Bio-One of Tucson, at Anshei Israel. Bio-One provided training in COVID-19 cleaning methods to Anshei Israel’s facilities team. (Courtesy Bio-One of Tucson)

Presently, it is more important than ever to ensure that your home or business is safe from COVID-19. If we all do our part in social distancing, staying clean, and disinfecting our buildings, the sooner things can get back to normal. This can be a difficult prospect, given that… Read more »

JFSA vp’s Partnership2Gether visit to Israel affirms bonds with Southern Arizona

SAHI-volunteers-with-hand-sanitzerParticipants in the S.A.H.I. program for at-risk youth give out hand sanitizer in Kiryat Malachi, Israel. (Courtesy Adi Shacham, director of P2G Kiryat Malachi-Hof Ashkelon)

In early June, Aviva Zeltzer-Zubida, Ph.D., vice president for planning and engagement at the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, visited Kiryat Malachi and Hof Ashkelon in Israel for what she calls a “deep dive” into the Weintraub Israel Center’s Partnership2Gether program. Zeltzer-Zubida met with representatives of social service programs… Read more »

UA Music+Festival focuses on artists who bridge classical and popular music

jeremy-huw-williams-paula-fan-1024pxJeremy Huw Williams, baritone, and Paula Fan, pianist, perform at the St. Augustine Cathedral in Tucson on Oct.13, 2015. (Solaris Photography)

The Fred Fox School of Music at the University of Arizona College of Fine Arts will present its 13th annual Music+Festival, featuring the music of George Gershwin (1898-1937), Steve Reich (b. 1936), and William Bolcom (b. 1938), from Oct. 9-12. All festival events will be online, with free admission.… Read more »

Sukkah installation at JHM promotes human rights

jhm_clamor_in_the_desertDetail of Mirta Kupferminc‘s “Clamor en el Desierto/Clamor in the Desert” installation at Tucson’s Jewish History Museum.

The Jewish History Museum and Holocaust History Center is hosting “Clamor en el Desierto/Clamor in the Desert,” a new work from artist Mirta Kupferminc. The sukkah installation is imbued with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights presented in dozens of languages, and invite the community into active care of… Read more »

AZ Board of Education makes Holocaust education mandatory

holocaust_educationHolocaust survivors (L-R) Pawel Lichter, Theresa Dulgov, Sidney Finkel and Wanda Wolosky testify before the Arizona House of Representatives education committee, Jan. 27, 2020.

Editor’s note: This article has been updated to reflect passage of the rule change Oct. 26. Holocaust education became mandatory in Arizona as of Oct. 26. The Arizona State Board of Education passed a change to the Arizona Administrative Code’s sections R7-2-301 and R7-2-302, the minimum courses of study… Read more »