
Temple series to explore ‘Constitutional Controversies’

“We the People of the United States …” So begins the United States Constitution, laying out the blueprint for a nation. Along with its 27 amendments, the Constitution is the roadmap to our rights as citizens. Today, many significant issues are being challenged on constitutional grounds. But just what… Read more »

JFSA to highlight ‘13 Extraordinary Women’

The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Women’s Philanthropy will celebrate local women with “13 Extraordinary Women Share Their Secrets” on Wednesday, Oct. 17, at 7 p.m. at Skyline Country Club. The 13 women will have three minutes each to share their formulas for success in their personal, professional and… Read more »

Anshei Israel launching adult, youth choirs

Congregation Anshei Israel’s cantorial soloist Nichole Chorny is forming two new choirs: one for adults and another for children. An interest meeting for the adult choir will be held Sunday, Oct. 14, 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the synagogue’s sanctuary. Open to all adults, the choir’s repertoire will include a full… Read more »

JFSA ‘Pink Shabbat’ focuses on breast cancer

Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Women’s Philanthropy and CHAI Circle will hold a Sharsheret ink Shabbat Weekend Oct. 25-28. The events will kick off Thursday, Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. with a “Think Pink” challah baking program and panel discussion at the Tucson Jewish Community Center, “What’s Jewish about Breast… Read more »

Comedian/author will speak at THA Tikkun Olam event honoring Warne

Joel Chasnoff

Tucson Hebrew Academy will honor Tom Warne with its 2012 Tikkun Olam Award at a gala dinner featuring entertainment by comedian Joel Chasnoff on Oct. 28. Warne is known in the Jewish community as a lay leader and philanthropist. He is chair of the Tucson Jewish Community Center board… Read more »

Congregation Anshei Israel to dedicate ‘Wall of History’

Congregation Anshei Israel’s ‘Wall of History’ details milestones in the synagogue’s history.

Congregation Anshei Israel will hold a “Wall of History” dedication on Saturday, Oct. 13. Three panels recounting milestones in the history of the synagogue will be dedicated after years of work to produce them, an effort spearheaded by CAI’s art committee chairperson, Eleanor Jeck. The panels were donated by… Read more »

Environmental activist to begin Pozez series

Michelle Levine, outreach director for the American Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel

Michelle Levine had long dreamed of influencing environmental issues in Israel. When the perfect job – as the English spokesperson and marketing manager for the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel — materialized in 2004, she made aliyah from Tucson. She will speak about “Environmental Victories in… Read more »

Grand opening planned for Jewish Federation-Northwest

The Jewish Federation-Northwest will celebrate its grand opening with an open house Sunday, Oct. 7 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., featuring a ribbon-cutting and mezuzah ceremony. The Hanukat HaíBayit (mezuzah ceremony) will be held at 11 a.m. with a D’var Torah by Rabbi Jason Holtz of Temple Emanu-El… Read more »

Workshop to explore minority voting trends

In light of the upcoming presidential election, the Tucson Jewish Community Library, the Black Chamber of Commerce and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will host a workshop, “How Minorities Vote in America,” on Thursday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. We are a nation… Read more »

Handmaker youth volunteers will reap vegetables, leadership skills

Handmaker Youth Leadership Team participants will begin a Farm to Table project on Sunday, Sept. 30. The group will meet at Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging at 9 a.m., then carpool to Phire Heart Farms, a local cooperative farm where they will plant vegetable seeds and seedlings. Participants… Read more »

From many walks of life, volunteers lend helping hands

Meryl Press

Volunteers — defined as those “who perform a service willingly and without pay” — are the backbone of many organizations, helping them fulfill and sometimes expand upon their core missions. In this special “Volunteer Salute,” the AJP presents brief snapshots of volunteers from the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona… Read more »

Lift up your voice: Tucson’s cantorial soloists inspire

Marjorie Hochberg

Some are native Tucsonans, one grew up in Moscow, all dreamed of singing — and Tucson’s cantorial soloists also all are women. A few of the younger soloists began singing at local congregations following their B’not Mitzvah, connecting them more deeply to their Judaism. During this High Holiday season,… Read more »

Beyond the 2012 Election: Political Lives of Jewish Tucsonans

In these heated months before the presidential election, we step back to pray during the High Holidays and hope for the best for our country, Israel and the world. Throughout the year, many Jewish Tucsonans are engaged in social activism and involved in politics on a local or national… Read more »

Project Isaiah will aid Community Food Bank

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are our holiest days of prayer and personal reflection — and a time to remember people in need. Each year, the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona works with synagogues and local Jewish agencies on Project Isaiah, a food… Read more »

Teachers to hear Shoah Foundation expert at in-service

A Holocaust education teacher in-service, “Digital Literacies and Holocaust Education: Teaching the Holocaust with Video Testimonial,” will be held Thursday, Sept. 20 at the University of Arizona College of Education,1430 E. 2nd St., in the Kiva Auditorium. The program, which will feature Sheila Hansen, the lead trainer of the… Read more »

Tucson composers’ works to debut in orchestra season

  The 2012-2013 Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra season will feature five local composers, including two world premieres by Tucson artists, “Running the Rim” by Jay Vosk, which opens the series in October, and “Landscapes” by Peter Fine, which will conclude the series in May. The Vosk premiere will be… Read more »

Rabbi Jerris to lead Secular Humanist event

Rabbi Miriam S. Jerris

Rabbi Miriam S. Jerris of the Society for Humanistic Judaism will lead the Secular Humanist Jewish Circle’s third annual High Holiday “Celebration of Community and Connection” on Saturday, Sept. 22 at 9:30 a.m. The service will include moral and ethical teachings related to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as… Read more »

Local Taekwondo champ to go to Maccabiah Games

Rachel Meyer demonstrates an axe kick

The thrills of the summer Olympics are behind us, but Tucsonan Rachel Meyer, a 16-year-old Taekwondo champion, has a new international competition to look forward to: the 19th World Maccabiah Games in Israel next July. Meyer will turn 17 at the games in Jerusalem and will compete in the… Read more »

Soldier’s play asks audience to view Israel with ‘New Eyes’

Yafit Josephson as an Israeli army officer in "New Eyes" (Courtesy Invisible Theatre)

As a struggling young actress in Los Angeles, Yafit Josephson should have been glad to get parts — any parts. Yet Josephson, 30, who was born in L.A. but raised in Israel from age 2, who served proudly in the Israel Defense Forces before moving to California to study… Read more »

Tucson’s Jewish teen philanthropy program to begin 7th year

Give a little … Change a lot. That is the motto of the B’nai Tzdek Tucson teen philanthropy program, which will have its annual kickoff event Sunday, Sept. 9, 1-3 p.m. at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. Teens contribute $180 to a B’nai Tzedek Fund at the Jewish Community… Read more »