Tagged Young Jewish Tucson

JFSA young leaders plan 1920s-themed party

The Hava Tequila speakeasy opens Saturday, Feb. 2 for the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s annual Young Leadership gala. “This year we are having live music, which I think people will be really excited about,” says co-chair Samantha Minkus. The 1920s-theme and the Jewish History Museum venue bring sophistication… Read more »

Amy Beyer: Guided by parents’ path, young leader finds her own way

Amy Beyer (right) at a trade school in Tel Aviv for at-risk youth during a June 2010 Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona women’s mission to Israel. The young man made a pair of earrings that Beyer bought.

If home is where the heart is, then Amy Beyer’s heart beats to the rhythm of Jewish life in Tucson. “The Tucson Jewish community is home for me. It really feels like my extended family,” says Beyer, 36, who began her volunteering “career” at Young Jewish Tucson in 2002.… Read more »

Young adults thrilled and inspired by JFSA Birthright trip

Participants on a Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona-sponsored Birthright Israel trip hike in Ein Avdat in the Negev. (Courtesy Nicole Walters)

The Tucsonans on the first Birthright Israel trip sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona had heard rave reviews from friends who’d been on one of Birthright’s free, 10-day trips to Israel — and they were at least a bit skeptical. But this group came back believers. “Everyone… Read more »