Tagged World Health Organization

Willard Gold

Willard “Bill” S. Gold, M.D. 86, died April 22, 2018. Born in Chicago, Dr. Gold graduated from the University of Chicago and later from the College of Medicine at Northwestern University. He practiced psychiatry for 55 years, mostly in Texas, until 2017, when he moved to Tucson to retire… Read more »

Battling Zika, Brazil’s Jews turn to bug repellent and indoor activities

A lab technician handling the mosquito that causes the Zika virus at a research facility in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Feb. 19, 2016. (Dado Galdieri/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA) – Despite recent summer temperatures here topping out at 42 degrees Celsius (109 Fahrenheit), Milena Rozenbrah has become accustomed recently to dressing in pants and long sleeves when she leaves home. A Jewish mother in Brazil’s second-largest city, Rozenbrah is concerned not for the religious… Read more »

In Lugansk, an icy Ukraine winter tests a war-torn community

Members of the Lugansk Jewish community standing in front of their synagogue's Torah ark, Dec. 11, 2014. (Cnaan Liphshiz)

LUGANSK, Ukraine (JTA) — In an unheated synagogue with no running water, a dozen Jews are trying to keep warm as temperatures here veer toward the single digits. Not moving too much helps keep the warmth under their thick coats, they say, a technique developed as the group gathered… Read more »

Israeli microbiologist still inventing after all these years

Nathan Citri

At 91, professor Nathan Citri offers no advice on how to achieve longevity. That he’s made it this far — with a mind so sharp he is still inventing innovative medical diagnostic kits — may be thanks to long walks or good genes. He cannot know for sure, since… Read more »