Tagged women’s book brunch

Annual book brunch to highlight women’s prayers

Esther Becker will explore “Conversations with G-d” at the annual Women’s Academy of Jewish Studies Women’s Book Brunch, Sunday, Sept. 15 at Congregation Chofetz Chayim. “We live in an era when we all have our challenges to deal with and no one goes unscathed,” says Becker.  “I wanted to… Read more »

Gang-to-rabbinate bio topic for Women’s Academy brunch

“Incredible! From the Bronx to Bnei Brak: The Amazing True Story of Rabbi Yossi Wallis” by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer is the title for this year’s Women’s Academy for Jewish Studies community-wide book brunch, which will be presented by Southwest Torah Institute at  Congregation Chofetz Chayim on Sunday, Sept. 25… Read more »