Tagged Tu B’Shevat

In Focus: Handmaker celebrates Tu B’Shevat

Handmaker residents Sarah Segal (left) and Marcie Sutland with Congregation Or Chadash fifth-grade student Alex Strizver on Jan. 27. Courtesy Nanci Levy/Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging)

Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging recently celebrated Tu B’Shevat, known as the New Year for the Trees, with representatives of three local synagogues. Rabbi Batsheva Appel of Temple Emanu-El led a talk about the holiday on Friday, Jan. 18; Rabbi Stephanie Aaron of Congregation Chaverim led a Tu… Read more »

Environmentalist to discuss Tu B’Shevat link

Lori Ann Burd

In honor of Tu B’Shevat, the Secular Humanist Jewish Circle will host Lori Ann Burd, environmental health program director and staff attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, a Tucson-based national conservation group focused on endangered species protection. Her talk will take place Saturday, Jan. 26, at 1:30 p.m.… Read more »

In Focus 1.25.19

JFNA chief updates JFSA leaders Jewish Federations of North America President and Chief Executive Officer Jerry Silverman briefed the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s national and overseas planning and allocation committee at a working lunch Wednesday, Jan. 9. Silverman highlighted JFNA’s activities as a convener and supporter of 147… Read more »

Children’s program to blend music, mitzvot

Rabbi Israel Becker

A new musical program, Music, Memories, and Mitzvot, will weave song, stories, and learning about Jewish celebrations with the mitzvah of bringing joy to the elderly, says Rabbi Israel Becker of Congregation Chofetz Chayim. The program, for children ages 5-11, includes three Sunday classes in preparation for each of four… Read more »

Each under their own fig tree … easy to grow in Tucson

Figs ripen slowly over many weeks, so there is not a mad scramble to harvest and eat them all at once.

Tu B’Shevat is almost here, the “Jewish New Year for the Trees,” also called “Jewish Arbor Day.” Last year I discussed planting almond trees, and this year I’d like to suggest a fig tree. Figs are one of the easiest fruit trees to grow in our area (far easier… Read more »

Jennifer Faythe Weisman

JENNIFER FAYTHE WEISMAN celebrated becoming a bat mitzvah on Saturday, Feb. 11, 2017 at Congregation Chaverim. Weisman studied with Rabbi Stephanie Aaron for a year to prepare for the ceremony. Weisman shared the day with family, including her husband, Scott; daughters, Hannah (16) and Amelia (10), and parents, Jerry… Read more »

After fire, Israel’s Carmel Forest rejuvenates

Omri Boneh, the Jewish National Fund’s northern Israel regional director, in the area destroyed by the 2010 Carmel Fire, January 2013. (Ben Sales/JTA)

The rabbi’s yarmulke fluttered in the wind, his hand holding it to his head, as he recited El Malei Racha­mim, the traditional prayer for the deceased. In front of him were 50 guards from a nearby prison. Behind him, a wall displayed the names of 44 prison service cadets,… Read more »

Name that tree

Even though it’s officially more than a year since we made Aliyah, I just now feel as if one full cycle is complete. My first real memory of our first real family experience  here in Israel (one that didn’t involve a government agency) is of Tu B’Shevat. A week… Read more »