Tagged Thunderbirds

Tucson pilot stars at annual local air show over weekend

U.S. Air Force Maj. Jason Markzon, center, with his Tucson family, (L-R) brother, Seth; mother, Andrea; father, David; and sister, Heide. (Debe Campbell/AJP)

This year’s “Thunder and Lightning Over Arizona,” at Davis-Monthan U.S. Air Force Base, March 23-24, brought a hometown pilot soaring into town for the performance. Maj. Jason Markzon, flying the #8 slot, is the only Jewish pilot in the Thunderbirds Air Combat Command unit. The advance squadron’s advance pilot,… Read more »

Tucson’s Markzon to bring Thunderbirds, lightning over Arizona

U.S. Air Force Maj. Jason Markzon on point of his Thunderbirds Demonstration squad (USAF)

There’s always excitement when the elite Thunderbirds Demonstration Squad roars into Tucson’s Davis-Monthan U.S. Air Force Base for an air show. But this year’s “Thunder and Lightning Over Arizona,” March 23-24, brings a hometown pilot soaring into town for the performance. Maj. Jason Markzon, flying the #8 slot and… Read more »