Tagged The JNF Joint Institute for Global Food Water and Energy Security

Partnerships with Israel, Mexico key to UArizona’s global environmental strategy

Joaquin-Ruiz-profile-article460pxJoaquin Ruiz, Ph.D.

Joaquin Ruiz, Ph.D., the University of Arizona’s first vice president for Global Environmental Futures, gets excited about the work of its partners around the world, such as farmers in Israel’s Arava region. “There are a bunch of kibbutzes in the Negev that are growing stuff on rocks and with… Read more »

UA joins global effort with JNF and Israel to secure food, water, energy

(L-R) Jewish National Fund President Sol Lizerbram, JNF Joint Institute Project Co-Director Udi Gat, and Dean of the University of Arizona College of Science and Vice President of Innovation Joaquin Ruiz sign a memorandum of understanding, Sept. 12. Photo courtesy JNF

In an effort to boost global agriculture, the University of Arizona has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Jewish National Fund and Israel’s Arava region to establish The JNF Joint Institute for Global Food, Water and Energy Security. The memorandum was signed on Sept. 12 by JNF President… Read more »