Tagged “Star Wars”

Op-Ed: The Force is strong with Conservative movement teens

Members of United Synagogue Youth reveling at the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism's 2015 convention. (Andrew Langdal)

BALTIMORE (JTA) — No spoilers here, but you must have noticed by now that “Star Wars” is everywhere. With the recent release of “The Force Awakens,” everyone from die-hard to casual fans are analyzing all aspects of the movie, from the posters to the cameos. The big questions fans… Read more »

Salute to 12 Jewish moms for Mother’s Day 2012

Gertrude Berg as Molly Goldberg of "The Goldbergs." (CBS Television)

NEW YORK (JTA) — What do Golda Meir, Natalie Portman and Aviva Shalit have in common? They’re all on JTA’s Top Jewish Moms list for 2012. With Mother’s Day on Sunday, we present our select group (in alphabetical order but for our final choice): Bella Abzug — The first Jewish woman elected… Read more »