Tagged southern Israel

As rockets fly, poor towns in southern Israel cry out for better protection

Fares Alhozael, 55, says the Israeli government has failed to provide a bomb shelter near his home on the outskirts of the Bedouin city of Rahat. (Ben Sales)

RAHAT, Israel (JTA) — Fares Alhozael doesn’t want much from the Israeli government. The roads in his neighborhood aren’t paved, and earlier this year Israel destroyed his cousin’s house for having been built illegally. Slumped on a faded bed in the bare, beige, tin-roofed house he shares with his six children… Read more »

Netanyahu pledges decisive response as rockets slam southern Israel

A volley of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip was intercepted by the Iron Dome system near the Israeli town of Ashdod area on Sunday morning March 11, 2012. (Flash90/JTA)

JERUSALEM (JTA) –  As southern Israel was barraged by rockets for a fourth straight day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was hitting back “strongly and decisively,” and its Iron Dome anti-missile defense system was intercepting many of the rockets coming from the Gaza Strip. “The IDF is continuing… Read more »