Tagged south tel aviv

Israelis want a solution to the African migrants crisis, though few want them to stay

African migrants protesting in Tel Aviv, June 10, 2017. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

(JTA) — When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu walked back an agreement with the United Nations last week to resettle abroad at least half of the African migrants seeking asylum in his country, it did not play well with the majority of Israelis. But don’t assume that means the… Read more »

Gentrification — via gardening — slowly comes to derelict South Tel Aviv

The Onya Collective is behind the new garden in South Tel Aviv. (Gabi Berger)

TEL AVIV (JTA) — The teeming blocks around this city’s New Central Bus Station are anything but scenic. Packed with humanity at every hour of the day, they are dizzying monuments to urban blight: equal parts graffiti, chaotic traffic and bustling, black-market commerce. So on a sunny Friday last… Read more »