Tagged schizophrenia

Seeing loss through Jewish lens, Lederman strikes chord

I was moved by reading Amy Hirshberg Lederman’s articles about the loss of her beloved husband, Ray, in the context of her Judaism. In expressing herself through the medium of the written word, I know that Amy was better able to deal with her pain and suffering. I am… Read more »

Book about mental illness — created by a Jewish father and son — wins National Book Award

Brendan, left, and Neal Shusterman (Courtesy of Neal Shusterman)

NEW YORK (JTA) — When Neal Shusterman helped his son Brendan with a second-grade report on the Pacific Ocean’s Marianas Trench, he thought the name of its deepest location, Challenger Deep, would make a great title for a book. In fact, for a number of years, whenever Shusterman — the author… Read more »