Tagged Running the Rift

Brandeis Book & Author event spans locales, genres

Naomi Benaron

An acclaimed first-time novelist, an award-winning mystery writer, an internationally best-selling author and the reporter who wrote “A Safeway in Arizona: What the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Tells Us About the Grand Canyon State” will highlight the Brandeis National Committee’s 17th Annual Book & Author Events. The committee’s Tucson chapter… Read more »

Salon will host Naomi Benaron, author of novel on Rwanda

Naomi Benaron

The Pima County Library Foundation’s Circle of Book Clubs will present a literary salon with Naomi Benaron, Bellwether Prize-winning author of “Running the Rift,” on Sunday, Feb. 19, from 3 to 5 p.m. The Bellwether Prize, established and funded by Barbara Kingsolver, was created to promote debut novels that… Read more »