Tagged Roman Urias

Business briefs 6.28.19

The Arizona Jewish Post has won a Simon Rockower Award from the American Jewish Press Association. The second place Louis Rapoport Award for Excellence in Commentary (Division B., newspapers 14,999 circulation and under) is for three columns by Amir Eden, former director of the Weintraub Israel Center: “On the… Read more »

Cooling off tips from our staff and friends

Michelle Shapiro, left, with Wil Thomas, loves to cool off with gelato. She’s tried every flavor at Blue Ice Gelato. It’s the only gelateria in Arizona that pasteurizes its milk in-house. (Photo courtesy Michelle Shapiro)

The AJP asked its staff and colleagues at Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona to share their secrets for beating the heat in Tucson’s triple-digit summers. Gail Barnhill: “Start gardening at 9 p.m. under yard lights and jump in the pool every 15 minutes. I swim with my five grandsons.… Read more »

Business briefs 2.2.19

Roman Urias, a part-time graphic artist at the Arizona Jewish Post, won a Top 10 AAFT Student Award from the American Advertising Federation Tucson and AD2 for his rebranding project for Crooked Tooth Brewing Co. Urias is completing his final semester at Southwest University of Visual Arts. Fry’s Food… Read more »