Tagged Rita Zohav

NW seniors thank JFSA for joyous Shabbats

On the first Friday of each month, the Jewish residents of Fairwinds-Desert Point retirement community in Oro Valley are fortunate to welcome Chaplain Pinchas Zohav from the Northwest Jewish Federation who leads them in a Shabbat celebration. With prayers, songs, stories, wine and challah, the Sabbath is welcomed joyfully… Read more »

Seattle transplants bring lifetime of teaching, lay leadership to Tucson

Pinchas (Paul) and Rita Zohav

Deciding to leave their home in Seattle, Pinchas (Paul) and Rita Zohav narrowed their search to Albuquerque or Tucson. “Without a doubt,” Rita says, “it was the Jewish community in Tucson which made our decision so easy.” After 10 years in Seattle, the couple agreed it was “too grey,… Read more »