Tagged rescue of Danish Jews

In Denmark, the world’s only happy Holocaust commemoration event

Helle Fromberg, left, and Thomas Gorlen seen at the celebration of Danish Jewry's rescue held at the Great Synagogue of Copenhagen, Oct. 11, 2018. (Cnaan Liphshiz)

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (JTA) — All over the world, Holocaust commemoration events follow a certain protocol. Somber affairs where participants dress in dark colors and modestly, they usually feature a soulful rendition of the “El Malei Rachamim” prayer, or Merciful God, sung by an anguished cantor who names Nazi death… Read more »

Copenhagen Jewish museum worth finding

The Dansk Jodisk Museum in Copenhagen has 250 Torah binders dating back to the 1750s. [Mary L. Peachin)

While visiting any new city, following hotel check-in most guests take a moment to look at tour books or “where to go” information the hotel provides. Copenhagen was no different. How would we spend several days? After checking a few restaurant menus, museums, and even a palace, I noticed… Read more »