Tagged Rabbi Jack Moline

Jewish leaders remember the unforgettable Justice Antonin Scalia

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia speaks at Agudath Israel's annual dinner at the New York Hilton, June 1, 2008. (Menachem Adelman)

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Justice Antonin Scalia was a larger-than-life presence on the Supreme Court, where he championed a conservative judicial approach for three decades. He was found dead on Saturday at a resort in West Texas at the age of 79. Scalia‘s outsize personality left an impression off the bench,… Read more »

Will AIPAC-Obama sanctions clash dent pro-Israel lobby’s clout?

Sen. Robert Menendez

WASHINGTON (JTA) — In previous AIPAC vs. White House dustups, the pro-Israel lobbying group’s strategy was to speak softly and let Congress carry the big stick. But in the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s face-off with the Obama administration over new Iran sanctions, congressional support may not be so… Read more »