Tagged Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis

Church of England says centuries of Christian anti-Semitism led to the Holocaust

(JTA) — Centuries of Christian anti-Semitism led to the Holocaust, the Church of England said in a new report that called for repentance. “God’s Unfailing Word: Theological and Practical Perspectives on Christian-Jewish Relations,” which was released last week, also asked Christians to accept the importance of Zionism for most… Read more »

Why America has no chief rabbi: the blessings of free-market religion

  The public face of world Jewry will change this summer. Come September, both England and Israel will install new chief rabbis. Jonathan Sacks, the brilliant and widely published chief rabbi of the United Kingdom, is retiring to be succeeded by the affable Ephraim Mirvis, currently rabbi of the… Read more »

As new chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis faces a fractious British Jewry

Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis will serve as Britain's next chief rabbi. (John Rifkin)

LONDON (JTA) — Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has big shoes to fill. Appointed this week as the 11th British chief rabbi, he will succeed Jonathan Sacks, an internationally renowned author and public intellectual who speaks frequently on moral, philosophical and theological affairs. The widespread assumption among British Jews has long… Read more »