Tagged “price tag” attacks

Jewish terror draws Netanyahu’s focus homeward

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visiting the hospitalized family of a West Bank Palestinian baby killed in an arson attack, July 31, 2015. (Flash90)

  Updated 8.5.15 WASHINGTON (JTA) – Ahead of what may be the toughest diplomatic battle of his career, a final bid to kill the Iran nuclear deal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has suddenly found himself facing down a terrorist threat – apparently from Jews. The flow of Iran… Read more »

Calls grow for stronger response in wake of ‘price tag’ attacks

Protesters in Jerusalem calling on the Israeli government to take action against so-called 'price-tag' attacks, May 11, 2014. (Yonatan Sindel/FLASH90)

TEL AVIV (JTA) — Houses of worship have been vandalized, businesses defaced and car tires slashed. So-called “price tag” attacks have proliferated since Israeli-Palestinian peace talks were suspended at the end of April. Intended to exact a price for Israeli government policies seen as detrimental to the settlement enterprise,… Read more »