Tagged Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework

For artist, writer and community volunteer Anne Lowe, there is no off season

Anne Lowe (Micheal Romero)

Between heading local organizations or sitting on  boards, volunteering with humanitarian efforts or creating art, Anne Lowe, 70, finds time for everything and shows no sign of stopping. For nine years, she served as Northwest Jewish Connections coordinator (later Northwest Division director) and outreach director for the Jewish Federation… Read more »

Craft devotee bringing Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework to Tucson

Afikomen bag

Photographs can’t do justice to the exquisite stitchery on the table linens, wall hangings and other objects Tucsonan Barbara Esmond has created over the years as a member of The Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework. The group is named for the fruit that is one of the “seven species”… Read more »