Tagged ovarian cancer

The three cancers Jews need to worry about most — and how to reduce the risks

Better education about the dangers of sun exposure is credited for helping bring Israel's skin cancer rate down from the world's second-highest a decade ago to 18th today. ( Miriam Alster/Flash 90)

As if Jews don’t have enough to worry about. Geopolitical threats to the Jewish people may wax and wane, but there’s another lethal danger particular to the Jewish people that shows no signs of disappearing anytime soon: cancer. Specifically, Jews are at elevated risk for three types of the… Read more »

“I Heart Jenny” filmmakers to discuss ovarian cancer fight

The “I Heart Jenny” film crew (L-R): Shani Rajesh, sound and camera operator; Katie Harris, director of photography; Jenny Vanderlinden; Blake Babbit, director and producer

Jenny Vanderlinden, 51, is battling stage 3 ovarian cancer. She will speak about her struggle — and her ongoing sense of adventure —on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. Vanderlinden and filmmaker Blake Babbitt are creating a documentary to raise awareness of the… Read more »