Tagged NO Hate No Fear march

The incredible NYC march should not overshadow Judaism’s main purpose

Left: The Siyum HaShas at MetLife Stadium; right, the No Fear No Hate March in New York City (Photos: Left, courtesy Agudath Israel; right, Getty Images)

On Sunday, I joined tens of thousands of Jews and non-Jews who marched from downtown Manhattan over the Brooklyn Bridge in a show of commitment to fighting the recent violent rise of anti-Semitism. Last week, I stood in Jerusalem with thousands of Jews at the Siyum HaShas, a celebration… Read more »

In this time of crisis, the Jewish community must do more — and we will

Participants in New York's solidarity march against anti-Semitism Jan. 5 cross the Brooklyn Bridge. (Jewish Federations of North America)

On Sunday, Jan. 5, a huge crowd responded to the call from UJA-Federation of New York to march against anti-Semitism. The sense of threat is so pervasive at this moment that Jewish Federations and other organizations bused thousands from other states and locales to march in solidarity with the Jews of New York, who have experienced an unprecedented wave of violent anti-Semitic attacks, most recently in Monsey on… Read more »

25,000 march against anti-Semitism in New York City

NEW YORK (JTA) — An estimated 25,000 people marched across the Brooklyn Bridge and held a rally on Sunday to protest rising anti-Semitism in and around New York City. The rally comes following a spate of attacks on Jews — including, most recently, a stabbing attack at a rabbi’s… Read more »