Tagged Negev Desert

On Broadway, an Israeli-American plays an Egyptian romantic in ‘The Band’s Visit’

Ari'el Stachel, right, plays matchmaker to two shy Israelis, played by Rachel Prather and Etai Benson, in "The Band's Visit." (Matt Murphy)

(JTA) — There’s a long and poignant story behind the T-shirt that Ari’el Stachel often wears these days. It says, in Hebrew letters, “Totzeret Teman” —  “Product of Yemen.” The unexpected juxtaposition of two cultures, Israeli and Arab, is as fascinating and complex as Stachel himself. Stachel, 26, is an… Read more »

In hardscrabble villages, Bedouin want recognition, not relocation

The city of Rahat is the largest Bedouin settlement in Israel. (Yossi Zamir/Flash 90)

WADI AL-NAAM, Israel (JTA) – In this unofficial Bedouin town of 14,000 not far from Beersheva in the Negev Desert, families live in clusters of shanties with intermittent electricity provided by generators or solar panels. A communal structure has soft plastic walls and dirt floors, with a small pit… Read more »