Tagged NAACP

NAACP and ADL announce partnership to educate public officials against hate in New Jersey

New Jersey leaders from the NAACP and ADL announcing a joint initiative to combat hate among public officials. (Courtesy of the ADL)

(JTA) — The most prominent anti-discrimination organizations in the African-American and Jewish communities are partnering to combat hate in New Jersey. The Anti-Defamation League, which fights anti-Semitism and bigotry, and the NAACP, which fights racism and discrimination, announced the partnership Thursday. It comes about a month after a shooting… Read more »

In the age of Trump, a quandary for Jewish leaders: Access or resistance

J Street activists deliver a petition to the Senate opposing the nomination of David Friedman as ambassador to Israel, Feb. 28, 2017. (J Street)

WASHINGTON (JTA) – The Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella body for the community’s policy groups, and J Street, the liberal Middle East peace lobby, held conferences this weekend about seven blocks apart. Downtown D.C. is pleasantly people-free on weekends, and the weather, weirdly unseasonable, was mild, so… Read more »

New film, ‘Rosenwald,’ tells story of Jewish philanthropist who transformed black lives

Julius Rosenwald with students from a Rosenwald School (Courtesy of Fisk University, John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library)

PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — Alex Bethea, the son of cotton and tobacco farm workers, was in sixth grade in 1965 when his family moved from Dillon, South Carolina, to the tiny town of Fairmont, North Carolina, where he attended a school called Rosenwald. But it wasn’t until this week, 50… Read more »

Remembering Jackie Robinson’s fight with black nationalists over anti-Semitism

Chadwick Boseman playing Jackie Robinson getting ready to take the field in the new film "42." (Legendary Pictures)

NEW YORK (JTA) — Moviegoers who head this weekend to the AMC Magic Johnson Harlem 9 for the opening of “42” will see the story of how Jackie Robinson displayed legendary courage, class and talent in the face of immense pressure and racial hatred as he broke down baseball’s color barrier.… Read more »

Jewish groups should embrace new legal protection for Jewish students

(JTA) — Imagine if the NAACP responded with skepticism to the passage of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and urged African Americans to exercise their civil rights cautiously under this law. Title VI was landmark legislation when it was passed in 1964 to remedy racial and ethnic… Read more »