Tagged Moldova Jewish community

In Moldova, Jewish teens go to schools to dispel anti-Semitic stereotypes

Vicky Ignatiuk, left, and Kate Kliuchevschi, 13-year-old Christian students in Moldova, munch on Passover matzah brought to their Chisinau classroom by two Jewish visitors. (Larry Luxner)

CHISINAU, Moldova (JTA) — Fifteen Christian seventh-graders at the City Theater School in this capital city sit in a circle listening attentively while two Jewish teenagers visiting their classroom talk about Jewish traditions. “What do you think a Jew looks like?” asks Arina Andriuschenko, standing at the blackboard with… Read more »

Transnistria is a tiny, poor state in Eastern Europe. The few Jews left there eye an escape.

Anastasia and Vitaly pose for wedding photos in Tiraspol, Transnistria, Aug. 24, 2019. (Courtesy of Roman Yanushevsky/Channel 9)

TIRASPOL, Transnistria (JTA) — Officially, this disputed sliver of land between Ukraine and Moldova is called the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. But to visitors to Transnistria, a breakaway region that declared its independence in the 1990s but which most of the world considers part of Moldova, it looks more like… Read more »

For Moldova’s impoverished Jews, Limmud conference is big deal

Misha Gurbachov, deputy director of the Jewish Community of Chisinau, and Limmud Maldova co-organizer Julia Seinman in Chisinau, May 23, 2014. (George Omen/Limmud FSU(

CHISINAU, Moldova (JTA) — Standing opposite the house at Romana Street 13 in the Moldovan capital, a group of tourists is struggling to hear Irina Shihova’s account of the horrors that transpired here more than a century ago, but her voice is drowned out by a pop song playing… Read more »