Tagged Limmud Festival England

BLOG In England, Christmas week of Jewish study means outreach to Sikhs and Muslims

Limmud UK’s annual conference, held this year in Birmingham, is the flagship of a network of Jewish learning festivals held in 44 countries. (Ranana Dine)

BIRMINGHAM, England (JTA) — If you think the United States overdoes Christmas, you haven’t been to London in December. The main drags are a riot of Christmas lights and gewgaws, the pubs overflow with midday revelers starting the week before and the Christmas shopping is no less intense at… Read more »

Clergy push Debbie Friedman song

(Forward) — About two weeks before she died, Debbie Friedman stood with Rabbi Joy Levitt at the piano in Levitt’s Manhattan apartment, and she shared with her friend a melody that the legendary singer and composer would never have the chance to record. It was a new version of… Read more »