Tagged LEAH

JFCS offers facts on teen dating violence

Andrea Siemens

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This year the LEAH program (Let’s End Abusive Households) of Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona is focusing on raising awareness about teen dating violence and abuse. Teen dating violence can be physical, emotional, or sexual. Dating violence can take place… Read more »

Despite myths, domestic violence occurs in Jewish homes

To you, a Jewish woman of any age who has been abused by her loved one. You may be feeling despair, sadness, anger, anxiety or overwhelming fear, but know that you are not alone. There is hope for a new life for you! Dream about a happier life for… Read more »

JFCS sees economic woes trigger rise in domestic abuse

JFCS LEAH program coordinator Ilana Markowitz (Sheila Wilensky)

Domestic abuse is still “a big secret” in the Jewish community, says Carol Sack, Jewish Family & Children’s Services vice president of financial resource development. Too many people still believe that “it’s such a shanda, or shame, for Jewish women to walk through our door,” she says, “and the… Read more »