Tagged Kino Border Initiative

Northwest bus trip to examine border status

Learn more about what’s happening along the Arizona border with an informative trip south. The Ruth and Irving Olson Center for Jewish Life in the Northwest and Hadassah Southern Arizona will sponsor a bus journey to the border Tuesday, March 12. Stops will include Humane Border’s water station in… Read more »

Tucson Jews for Justice meet migrant crisis at southern border with action

Tucson Jews for Justice members and supporters ready to take donations to the Kino Border Initiative shelter in Nogales, Sonora, from left: Tony Zinman, Marty Johnston, Daniel Hernandez, Alma Hernandez, and Consuelo Hernandez. (Courtesy Tucson Jews for Justice)

What started as a 24-hour community drive on social media last week turned into a tikkun olam (repairing the world) mission for Tucson Jews for Justice, coinciding with World Refugee Day, June 20. “It’s difficult to hear the news of what’s going on,” says Alma Hernandez, referring to the… Read more »