Tagged Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Support group, coach help Tucson families cope with medical transitions at any age

Nancy Cohen is a registered nurse and life coach.

All of our lives are marked by milestones and passages. For families who are dealing with acute or chronic medical conditions, these transitions can be especially challenging. Whether it’s the onset of Alzheimer’s for a spouse or the changes of adolescence for a child with type 1 diabetes, patients… Read more »

Celebrating birthdays with Israel, honoring centenarians, seeking a cure

Sue Ross with her grandson Aiden Glesinger at the Green Tie Gala.

Happy 65th Birthday, Israel! Israel was not created in order to disappear — Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. —John F. Kennedy Tucson celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, with extra flair this year. Besides highlighting Israel’s innovations… Read more »