Tagged Johannesburg

Tikkun olam: Gail Birin

Gail Birin

No matter where she’s lived, Gail Birin says being tapped into the Jewish community has always been an essential part of her life. “I feel I’m just continuing my life’s work, the work I grew up with and the culture I grew up with,” says Birin. “The ones who… Read more »

Weeks after Mandela’s death, Tucson family visits South African homeland

(L-R): Karen, Lionel, Danielle and Ariella Faitelson at the Spice Route Winery near Cape Town, South Africa. Paarl (“Pearl”) Mountain can be seen in the background. (Courtesy Karen Faitelson)

From changes at a South African Jewish day school to the transformation of a country, Karen and Lionel Faitelson have seen it all. In December, the Faitelsons returned to South Africa with their two adult daughters for the first time in 14 years. Growing up, Karen attended the King… Read more »