Tagged jewishtucson.org

Congregation Or Chadash Sisterhood shines a light on volunteer Sandock

Beverly Sandock

Community volunteer Beverly Sandock will be recognized in April by  the Congregation Or Chadash Sisterhood with its second annual Eshet Or (Woman of Light) award. In addition to 20 years of volunteer service at the synagogue, Sandock contributes to the community through daily professional and personal outreach. “Bev’s name… Read more »

Jewish community website now features Nosh & More recipe exchange

Jewishtucson.org, Tucson’s Jewish community website, has launched Nosh & More, a recipe exchange. At jewishtucson.org/nosh-more, food lovers can submit everything from treasured traditional recipes to contemporary takes on Jewish cuisine. Participants are encouraged to include a bit of history or a fond remembrance on what makes the recipe special… Read more »

Concierge, new website enhance local Jewish community outreach

Ori Parnaby

This fall, Tucsonans will have two new ways to connect with the many programs and services offered by the Tucson Jewish community: a concierge service and a revamped, interactive jewishtucson.org community website. Ori Parnaby, the concierge, started in her new position Sept. 2. Her office is at the Tucson… Read more »