Tagged Jewish Voice for Peace

OP-ED: How Jews on the left and the right are empowering BDS

An aerial view of Michigan Stadium as the sun rises on the University of Michigan campus. (University of Michigan/Flickr)

(JTA) — The BDS debacle at the University of Michigan proved once again that Jews can be their own worst enemies. Since 2002, the University of Michigan’s Central Student Government (CSG) has, on 10 occasions, rejected resolutions to support the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction the State… Read more »

When politics gets in the way of Jewish giving

Jewish Voice for Peace members at the Jewish United Fund of Chicago protest donor-advised funds from JUF going to groups that have been deemed Islamophobic, March 24, 2017. (Inbal Palombo)

NEW YORK (JTA) — Lisa Greer didn’t think twice when she used her cellphone to donate to IfNotNow, a Jewish organization that protests Israel’s West Bank occupation. Greer and her husband, Joshua, had given millions to progressive Jewish and Israel causes, and she sits on the board of the… Read more »

In Focus 1.6.17

L-R: Or Chadash sixth graders David Berk, Gabby Marsh (visitor), Talya Fleisher, Emma Ruben, Lily Goldberg, Jessica Witchey, Ethan Silvyn, Riley Silvyn. Center: Ava Silverman

Or Chadash Mitzvah Fair  On Sunday, Dec. 11, the sixth grade students at Congregation Or Chadash held the 10th annual Mitzvah Fair, which allows students to learn about and in turn help teach the concept of tzedakah (charity) in our community, says Rina Liebeskind, Or Chadash education director. The… Read more »

ANALYSIS The missing left: Where’s the support for liberal Zionists on campus?

Anti-Israel students at Columbia University erected a mock "apartheid wall" in front of the iconic Low Library steps during Israel Apartheid Week, March 3, 2016. (Uriel Heilman)

NEW YORK (JTA) — The Forward recently asked college students “to tell us about a college experience that had shaped their Jewish identity in some way.” Of the six students whose responses it published, five attend American universities. Of those, two are members of Students for Justice in Palestine,… Read more »

Citing divisions over Israel, Rabbi Brant Rosen quits congregation

(JTA) – A prominent rabbi whose outspoken criticism of Israel became too divisive for his congregation announced this week that he is resigning his pulpit. Brant Rosen, rabbi at the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation in Evanston, Ill., made the announcement Tuesday. Aside from his pulpit position, which he has held… Read more »

J-Street article missing context

I suppose there may be ways to harmonize Larry Gellman’s two statements at the conclusion of Sheila Wilensky’s March 24 article reporting on Hadar Susskind’s recent visit to Tucson (“On visit to Tucson, J Street policy director explains group’s mission”). Mr. Gellman “find Jewish Voice for Peace despicable” while… Read more »

BDS a non-violent tactic for peace

I was very pleased to see the article on J Street Policy Director Hadar Susskind’s visit to the Tucson Jewish Community Center. Acknowledgment of different voices within the Jewish community in regards to our relationship with Israel and Israel’s current policies is a breath of fresh air. Moreover, the… Read more »