Tagged Jewish Council of Public Affairs

Steve Gutow’s 10-year crusade for Jewish civility ending on bitter note

Steve Gutow, right, with Michele Jawando, vice president of legal process at the Center for American Progress, and her husband, Will Jawando, a Democratic candidate for Congress. Michele Jawando took part in an Oct. 12 discussion about race relations organized by the Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis. (Jewish Council for Public Affairs)

WASHINGTON (JTA) – For the past 10 years, Rabbi Steve Gutow has been trying to get American Jews to be more civil to each other, especially in debates about political issues. But a decade on, as he prepares to step down from the helm of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the community seems… Read more »

In Jewish fracking debate, it’s the environment vs. energy independence — and energy’s winning

Activists connected to Jews Against Hydrofracking demonstrating in New Jersey on Nov. 21. (Jews Against Hydrofracking)

NEW YORK (JTA) – To frack or not to frack? As concerns mount over the environmental and public health consequences of hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, Jewish groups are coalescing around a strategy that supports efforts to extract natural gas from shale rock while seeking to mitigate its worst… Read more »