Tagged Israel’s Memorial Day

Parents of teen terror victim name their new baby girl

JERUSALEM (JTA) — The parents of Rina Shnerb, 17, Israel’s only terrorism fatality in the last year, named their new baby daughter eight months after her sister’s death. Rabbi Eitan and Shira Shnerb of Lod, in central Israel, named their newborn Tiferet, which means “glory,” on Wednesday in an… Read more »

Virtual Yom Hazikaron commemoration for Southern Arizona planned

The Weintraub Israel Center and the Tucson Jewish Community Center will host a virtual event for Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s memorial day, on Monday, April 27 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. All those in Tucson and beyond are invited to gather as a community to honor the memory of Israel’s fallen… Read more »

OP-ED A day to join Israelis in a sad circle of grief

Israeli soldiers salute during the flag-laying ceremony ahead of Memorial Day at the Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem, April 8, 2016. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Editor’s note: Join the Weintraub Israel Center for Tucson’s Yom Hazikaron ceremony on Monday, May 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. NEW YORK (JTA) — This year I will mark two of Israel’s most important national holidays – Yom Haatzmaut (Independence Day) and Yom Hazikaron… Read more »