Tagged Israeli response to terrorism

Bennet: Israel is world’s ‘front post’ against global terrorism

Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Tsachi Miri/TPS)

Herzliya (TPS) – Education Minister and Chairman of the Jewish Home Party Naftali Bennett told a counter-terrorism conference Monday that Israel is the world’s “front post” in the battle against terror. “No nation is as threatened by terror as we are,” Bennett told the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism annual… Read more »

How Jerusalem is coping with the attacks: Police and pepper spray

Israeli Border Police guard a checkpoint in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber, Oct. 15, 2015. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

JERUSALEM (JTA) — “No pepper spray, no tear gas, no nightsticks,” sighed Itzhak Mizrahi to three disappointed men, as if it were a mantra he’d recited dozens of times. The glass-topped display case in Magnum, the central Jerusalem gun shop that Mizrahi has owned for three decades, featured a… Read more »

How to respond to terrorism (and how not to respond)

We are still reeling from the horrible terrorist attack on a Jerusalem synagogue in which five people were killed during morning prayers, leaving four widows and 24 fatherless children on a single street in the neighborhood of Har Nof. What is the correct response to such an outrage, and… Read more »