Tagged illegal immigration

OP-ED When Jews were illegal, and turned to others for sanctuary

Protesters demonstrate at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 26, 2017. (Jason Redmond/AFP/Getty Images)

  MILWAUKEE (JTA) — I was privileged recently to participate as the sole Jewish voice at a news conference with Latino leaders, community activists and faith groups at which we spoke loudly and clearly in support of compassionate immigration policies. I told the people gathered about a piece of… Read more »

‘Illegal’ detention camp tells inglorious story

The Galina, a replica of a typical refugee ship, at The Atlit ‘Illegal’ Immigrant Detention Camp in Israel (Sheila Wilensky/AJP)

Sheila Wilensky was in Israel in January with the American Jewish Press Association. Prior to Israel’s establishment as a state in 1948, Jews from around the world tried to settle there. But it wasn’t easy. Coming from Arizona, where we constantly hear about “illegals,” it was new history for… Read more »

Down under, a furor over a Jewish publisher’s attack on boat people, Muslims

Australian Jewish News publisher Robert Magid stirred controversy with his article arguing that Muslim boat people deprive sanctuary to legitimate refugees. (Australian Jewish News via AJDS)

SYDNEY (JTA) – An article on illegal boat people by the publisher of Australia’s main Jewish newspaper has ignited a storm of protest, with some critics savaging it for “vilifying Muslims” and promoting “xenophobic, Islamophobic and heartless sentiments.” Titled “Curb your compassion,” Robert Magid’s article published in the Aug.… Read more »